Pest Management Division
1110 W Washington St, Suite# 450
Phoenix, AZ. 85007
phone: (602)542-4373
The Pest Management Division (OPM) is a State agency that licenses, educates and regulates the pest management industry. The Agency is guided by the Environmental Protection Agency regulations and state statutes and rules.

  1. What is meant by "structural" pesticide use ?
  2. What does the PMD do ?
  3. How might the PMD help you ?
  4. What happens to consumer complaints ?
  5. How can one obtain a license to use structural pesticides ?

1. What is meant by "structural" pesticide use ?

    Structural pest control is the control of pests in and around structures. These include:

    1. Wood-destroying insects
    2. Weeds
    3. Pests of ornamental plants and turf
    4. Aquatic pests and weeds
    5. Pests affecting public health.

The PMD does not regulate agricultural pest control which is under the authority of the Arizona Department of Agriculture.

3. What does the PMD do ?

    The PMD licenses commercial pest control businesses in Arizona and the pesticide applicators and inspectors employed by these companies. It also enforces federal and state laws governing pesticide use and storage. Consumer complaints involving licensed businesses are handled through the Agency. Staff investigates these complaints and presents its findings to the agency's Acting Director who determines if any violations exist and takes action based upon the findings.

4. How might the PMD help you ?

    Below are just a few ways:

    Consumers may obtain information from the PMD on any business licensee.

    The PMD will provide, upon written request, the number of complaints for a company that you may want to employ. (More detailed information about violation history is available at the OPM office).

    If you are interested in engaging in the business of structural pest control, the PMD will inform you of the licensing procedure needed to start a business.

    The PMD will investigate complaints that are within its jurisdiction.

    The Agency will provide general information regarding pests and the use of pesticides.

5. What happens to consumer complaints ?

    Once the PMD files a complaint, a copy is forwarded to the respondent, who has 20 days to respond. The complaint is assigned to an PMD inspector for further investigation.

    If the investigation determines law violations, a settlement conference is offered to the licensee(s). In a settlement conference, the PMD staff presents the inspector's findings and attempts to negotiate a resolution.

    The report is reviewed by agency's Acting Director accept\reject the terms of settlement (if agreement has been reached), forwards the case to Office of Administrative Hearings for trial, or dismiss the complaint.

6. How can one obtain a license to use structural pesticides ?

    There are a number of licenses offered by the OPM. Licensing requires an application, examination, and, in the case of Qualifying Party licensing, experience. Businesses must maintain statutorily mandated levels of insurance or bonding in order to be licensed. All the OPM-issued licenses must be renewed annually. Additional information can be found here.